Tops + DIY :-)

On TV live action in Tops Make Over ideas :-) Always in short timelines but the JoB is Done :-) xxx


Costumes making for VSA Carnival :-)

I have really enjoyed greatly our get together at Vellios School of ART in making costumes, inspired by movies and fairytales we made it all happen!!!

Flat Surface DIY + gettinG Lazy :-)

My old silver card case seemed to me soooooo boring this morning!  So ... I wanted to add a bit of texture:-) )))Some leather detail brought it on a new freshened up dimension!
My Tools:

KniTwEaR DIY iDeAS :-)

KniT MyWeaR :-)

I loooove the freedom that knitwear gives me in altering their style :-) Have a Look !!!

For a detailed step by step presentation have a look on the link below :-)
01 09 10